Mostly the cancer cases present themselves as a one sided diseases physical in nature according to the Hannamann disease classification. Where, we need most Pathgnomic remedy to prescribe. For this purpose, an effort to put all cancer rubrics in one paper.
DELUSION, has a cancer – Verat
Head |
- |
Calc (1) |
Eyes |
- |
aur.m.n., CALC, Lyc. PHOS, Sep, Sil, thuj
Lachrymal glands – Carb.an |
Nose |
- |
alum, Ars, AUR, Aur.m. Calc. carb.ac, Carb.an, cund, Kreos, merc, Phyt. Sep. sulph |
Face |
- |
ARS, Aur. Carb.an, Con, Kali.ar, kali.c, kali.i, lach, nit.ac, Phos, sil, sulph, zinc |
Lips |
- |
Ars, Aur, Aur.m, camph, Carb.an, caust, Cic, Cist, clem, con,
cund, kali. chl, ll Kali.m(1) kali.s, Kreos, Lach, Lyc, phos, phyt, Sep, Sil, sulph. |
Lower - ant.chl, Ars, Cist, Clem |
Lower |
- |
ant.chl, Ars, Cist, Clem |
Palate |
- |
aur, hydr |
Tongue |
- |
Alumn. Apls, ars, Aur, Aur.m, ben.ac, calc, carb.an, caust, Con, crot-h, cund, fuligo (2), Hydr, kali.chl, kali.cy, Kali.iod, Lach, Mur.ac, Nit.ac, Phos, Phyt, sep, Sil, sulph, thuj |
Outer mouth |
- |
ll cist (1) |
Throat |
- |
Carb.an, led, tarent |
Stomach |
- |
Acet.ac, act.Sp(1), am.m(2), arg.m(2), Ars.i, bar.c, bell,
Bism. Cad.m. calc, fl.ac(2), Caps, CARB.AC, CARB.AN, Carb.v. CON, Condurango (2), Crot.n, Cund, Gerani(2), graph(2), Hydr, Iris, Kali.bi(2), kali.c, Kreos, Lach, LYC, mag.p(2), Merc.c, Mez, nux.v, Orinthog(2), PHOS, plat, plb(2), Sep, Sil, Staph, Sulph. |
Liver |
- |
ars(1), bell (1), carb.an(1), chel(2), Cholest (2), Con(1),
hydr (1), lach(2), lyc(1), nit.acid(2), phos(2), sep (1),
sil (1), tarant (1) |
Pancreas |
- |
calc.ars (1, 3) |
Spleen |
- |
bor (1), Chin, sulph.ac |
Rectum |
- |
Alum, Nit.ac, ruta, sep, spig(4) |
Scrotum |
- |
ars(2), carb.an, fuligo(2), ph.ac, thuj(2) |
Testes |
- |
spong |
Prostate |
- |
crot.h(1) |
Ovaries |
- |
ars, Con graph, kreos, Lach, psor |
Uterus |
- |
alumn, almn, anan, apis, Arg.m, Arg.n, ARS, ARS-I, aur, am.m.n, bell(1), brom, Bufo, Calc, Carb.an, carb.s, Carb.v., chin, cic, clem, CON, Crot.h, cund, elaps, GRAPH, HYDR, Iod, Kali.ar, KREOS, LACH, Lap.a, LYC, mag.m, merc, Mer.i.f, MURX, Nat.c, Nat.m, nit.ac, PHOS, Phyt, Plat, Rhus,t, sabad(1), sabin, sang, Sec, SEP, SIL, spig(1), Staph, sulph, tarent, THUJA, zinc |
Vagina |
- |
Larynx |
- |
ars, hydr(1), lapis(1), nit.ac, phos, sang, thuj |
Axillae |
- |
aster |
Mammae |
- |
alumn, Apis, Arg.n, arn, Ars, Ars.i, Aster, Aur, aur.m.n.,
Bed.Bell.n, Brom, bry, Bufo. calc, Carb.ac, Carb.an, carb.s, carb.v, caust, cham, Chin, cist, clem, coloc, CON, Cund, dulc(1), ferr.i, GRAPH, Hep, Hydr, kali.c, kreos, Lach, lapis(1), Lyc, MERC, Merc.i.f, Nit.Ac, ol.an, Ox.ac, Phos, Phyt, Paor, puls, Sapg, sep, SIL, Sulph, thuj, tub |
Lungs |
- |
hydr(1), kali.bi(1), crot.h(1) |
Glands |
- |
Aur.m, CARB.AN, CON |
Bones |
- |
con(1) |
As inter current |
- |
Malandrinum (P. Sankeran) |
(1)Knerr Rep
Boericka Rep
Phatak Rep
Sirker Rep
Others from – Kent Rep
Carb.an - II
carb.an - III |
Published in Cancer issue of NJH in the Vol. IV No.3 May-June 1995 |